Monday, May 4, 2009

Last Week Of School

Well, I guess this will be my last real week of school. Sad to say it, but I have only shreads of childhood left. No more can I go to a party the same way, be late for everything, sleep in, or just have a a day of drinking. Life awaits me. I am confused, and happy at the same time. So for anyone reading this blog, which is most likely one person....Sadly I had to grow up sometime.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day

Well today is earth day, not like anyone actually noticed. I dont believe people paid attension, but enough greenwashing on TV led me to go online and find some simple things to help the earth. For one, conserve water by taking shorter showers, update lightbulbs, and open windows to let in light. Seems simple and easy, and yet I still dont do these things on a daily basis.

Anyway Happy Earth Day!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


I love watching repair shows, and DIY type programming. Dish Network had this preview channel for the last week which was Planet Green, and all of the programs were "green" oriented. Much of the terms we went over in class such as cradle to cradle were used in a show called "Renovation Nation" which featured a green colored counter top made entirely out of recycled class. The show also featured regular looking homes that had water collection units and solar panels, as well as ways people can make improvements for their own homes. Anyway, check out the channel.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Recycling Cost

While trying to dispose of some old paint cans and chemicals I found the prices to be somewhat unfair. I paid roughly 7 dollars to get rid of cans that cost less then the cost of disposal. This is stupid thinking, regular people first off don't want to spend more money then they need to, and the convenience of hiding such cans in garbage is much easier. The recycling center is a pay as you go system based on how much you bring, and it begs the question as to where my taxes are actually being put if I need to pay for proper disposal. Recycling only works when its free, the average person should not pay for such obvious hazardous materials to be disposed as it poses a threat to all.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


So I was turned on recently to freecycle, through Yahoo. The Ithaca Freecycle, which url is, is a site dedicated to individuals that would rather give free items to those that would like them before they go to the dump. The great thing is that people can find almost anything they could potentially use or fix. I was happy to find computer parts, and old junk electronics as I have learned to fix and build new components with them.

The concept of freecycle: you have something you no longer need (a couch, crib, etc.) and you wish to "recycle" it rather than throw it away. Or you're looking for a specific item, and you'd love getting it for free. Ithaca Freecycle (TM) is the place you can post notices about items you'd like to give away and find things that you need. The only requirement is that the transfer of an item from one person to another has to be FREE.

Through Ithaca Freecycle, we can help the environment by diverting useful items from landfills while also helping members of our local community. Everybody has something they want to get rid of, so instead of dragging it out to the curb and filling the landfills, wouldn't it be better to connect to someone who probably wants what you have? All individuals and charitable organizations in the region are welcome to participate. Our main geographic focus is Ithaca, New York and surrounding towns. To find the Freecycle group closest to you, check out the link for the worldwide Freecycle site below.

Remember one mans junk is another mans treasure!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Everone has seen the energy star but have you realized that sales reps will sell you a more expenisve unit that is more capacity but will ultimatly not be needed. A great example is an AC unit with higher BTU sold for higher price with the enery star, but only to be used in a single room. Its just another scam unless you actually need the output.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ithaca is POLLUTED!!!!

As I've said many times I love Ithaca, this is my town, my locale, my home. But I was always concerned about how polluted six mile creek was near my house growing up. As a kid I spend time fishing with friends, and cackling at jokes underneath the bridge bellow south Cayuga, where we would find remnants of broken beer bottles from a homeless man who must have slept there the night before. This sounds ghetto to some extent but it really was not, we were curious kids playing near water in the city of Ithaca. We used to catch a lot of fish, crawfish, and then throwing them back, but as Ithaca became more developed, the water became more dirty. Trash and shopping carts littered the bottom, and fish were no longer around. The walls were tagged with graffiti, and I admit as a kid I may have painted once or twice, but my cans were always properly disposed of. Anyway, today no fishing, perhaps because not many fish are around, or kids just don't like to fish anymore, but its sad to see an area filled with curiosity become dirty and non appealing.